Too Sick for a massage? Here's what you should do.
What to Do When You Are Too Sick for A Massage Obviously, we’re all big fans of the healing powers of a good massage, and we love to tell you all about how good a regular massage can make you feel. But there are times when a massage might not be the best way forward, so if any of these apply to you, it might be better to reschedule for when you’re feeling better! Coughs, Colds, and Flu We get it. We know you’re feeling terrible, and you’d love to get a massage when you have the aches and pains of a bad cold. It’s probably not going to do you as much good as it would normally. In fact, it might have the opposite effect on you. One of the great things about a massage is that it can help boost your circulation and lymphatic system. If you’re fighting off a bug, the last thing your lymphatic system needs is to be made to work harder, which is what a massage will do. It’s already busy trying to fight and carry the germs out of your system. Putting your body under pressure to work ...